Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We Have New Neighbors!

Well, Pilger does, anyhow! We have moved her to a new anchorage; Black River. Just down from the cheese factory. A little tricky to come into, but if you have been shown the expanse of rock shelf just under the surface, you can slowly move in. It seems to be a bit windy, and a rather long row, but there really is nothing to hit. Picton harbour is just too busy, plus you need to keep the anchor rode short-scoped so you don't swing and take someone's 20,00$$$ paint job off. Jeez! Why do people spend so much dough making their stuff pretty when it only drives the cost of insurance and become prohibitive to other plain folks? We rather LIKE out Trem-Clad! Touches up quite nicely and even looks "shippy". Oh well.
More pikkies to come when we get back from our next cruise, hopefully to Kingston.