Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Hoop-Houses do it again!

Jim will be providing lettuces, green onions and whatever else pops up, to the Regent cafe. Here they are, the wee dickens! Started indoors March 7, transplanted April 1 (no foolin'!), they are going gangbusters! The plastic covers help the soil hold whatever heat it collects, keeps bunnies out too.
That top photo shows the hoop-covers off right right now. They are easy to get on and off, depending on how you design them. The supports are made by cutting lengths of some old strong pole-like stuff (in our case, some lawn chairs with the seats rotted off) and some poly-water pipe. Hammer the poles as far as they can go, then bend the pipe over to get the right shape, allowing enough length to not blow off in a wind. Get some 4mil plastic, attach it to 2x4 pine the same length as your raised bed. Roll on, roll off. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wow, Spring Didn't "Spring", no, it got squirted out of the ground!

What beautiful weather we've had! We've been enjoying our forest walk, seeing all the junipers greening-up and hearing all sorts of song birds. There are some trilliums getting ready to join these wee snowdrops. Jim has been busy with the covered garden beds, transplanting some lettuces already! Green romaine and cimmeron (a tender, red-speckled romaine) destined for The Regent Cafe, if all goes well. We would also like to be able to supply the Milford Farmer's Market, but we'll see how the yield goes.

This handsome thing is a warm-frame.

It will eventually house our tomato and pepper seedlings, which will enjoy the stable temperatures afforded by the insulation. The weather has been so warm, and is forecasted to continue intil June, Jim is thinking of planting these seedlings early. If anyone has any insight, please let me know!!! I'm trying not to plant my herb-seedlings early!