What beautiful weather we've had! We've been enjoying our forest walk, seeing all the junipers greening-up and hearing all sorts of song birds. There are some trilliums getting ready to join these wee snowdrops. Jim has been busy with the covered garden beds, transplanting some lettuces already! Green romaine and cimmeron (a tender, red-speckled romaine) destined for The Regent Cafe, if all goes well. We would also like to be able to supply the Milford Farmer's Market, but we'll see how the yield goes.

This handsome thing is a warm-frame.
It will eventually house our tomato and pepper seedlings, which will enjoy the stable temperatures afforded by the insulation. The weather has been so warm, and is forecasted to continue intil June, Jim is thinking of planting these seedlings early. If anyone has any insight, please let me know!!! I'm trying not to plant my herb-seedlings early!
Elliot Colmans's wife states Tomatoes will still germinate and grow with a temp of 27!
Our greenhouse is unheated and at 7am the temp is 47, and tomatoes have started to germinate. I am using last years seeds as I did not want to waste this years. I would say give it a go..
Nice to hear from you! Hope your spring has been going well, happy hoofies and all!
Jim started the tomatoes indoors and they were looking just great. But we decided that this spring was so dry, we needed to catch the kitchen waste-water to help with the garden. So he put a bucket under the grey-water discharge, caught the dish-water and applied it to the seedlings. It took three days for them to keel right over, poor things.
I want to tell you folks about our Transition Town initiative. It is called Transition County. It involves communities of people helping each other to deal with the effects of Global Climate Change and (more importantly) Peak oil. Our website is so new that I actually recommend you view the rather-good www.transitiontownpeterborough.ca for more info. Our site is www.transitionpec.com .I hope you can have a look. We are trying to get one going in Belleville area, but are having a hard time finding the right people. Interested?
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